Advice on renting out your house
As a landlord you can make a lot of money out of your property, but your tenants could end up costing you more.
We investigated the problems that property owners run into. Here's a quick guide that will help you rent your house out the right way, so that you can make the most income possible.
Prepare for letting
A clean and polished house with modern fittings and fixtures gets rented out at a higher price.
How to price your house
An agent can help price your house accurately. Tell them what you want in your pocket after commission and tax deductions. They’ll work out the final price for the property based on your needs.
If you’re renting privately, browse the market and compare what other houses in your area are asking.
You can set the deposit to be one, two or three month’s rent. If your property is small and the rent cheap, it’s better to ask for a higher deposit to make sure major damage costs can be covered.
Finding good tenants
You’ll find tenants quickly, but you want to pick the right kind of tenants who will look after your property.
Legal matters
Maintenance and inspection
Make sure your house has low maintenance to begin with. An agency will and should, do an inspection, but you can do it yourself too. Take photos to keep record of the state of the house before the tenants move in.
Tell your tenants that you’ll perform quarterly inspections on the house - and then make sure you do it.
Ending a lease agreement
When the contract comes to an end, you and the tenant can decide to extend or terminate the lease.
The more prepared you are to let your house out, the fewer problems you’ll run into, which will save you money and time in the long run. Good luck, may your property bring you great fortune!
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Advice on renting out your house
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