Coping with loss: the phases of bereavement
A great wave of painful and unfamiliar emotions washes over you when someone you love dies. The intensity of it all can affect your mental and physical health.
We care, so we’re here to guide you through the five different stages of grief. This way you can understand your feelings better and begin a healthy healing process.
The five stages of grief
Understanding grief
The emotions you’re feeling are normal. Grief is a psychological symptom of loss. You shouldn't be ashamed or afraid to grieve. Supressing your grief and sadness is harmful to your healing process.
Sometimes the hurt is so bad that you need additional support outside of your friends and family network. Seek a psychologist’s help if you feel you can’t cope at all, because excessive grieving can lead to chronic depression.
You’ll have unique ways of coping with every stage of grief. A psychologist can also help you understand your emotions better and help you through this troubling period.
We know that what you’re going through is overwhelming. Take a deep breath, be patient with yourself, and stay strong.
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Coping with loss the phases of bereavement
Handling the death of a loved one