Finding a job
It’s time to put your knowledge and skills to the test by starting a career. We’ve put our heads together and made this guide to help you explore job opportunities, and then find and land the best full time job. Get ready to start working!
Build your resume
Don’t make the common mistake of having a long, unstructured CV. We're in a digital age where people are expecting shorter but more impressive and visually appealing resumes. Remember that some companies receive hundreds of Cv's for a single job post, so you've got to make sure yours stands out.
Start applying
Looking for a job online is so easy these days that it actually becomes a lot of work. You have to put structure to the way you find and apply for jobs.
Prepare for your interview
You’re one step closer to the job that you want. Now close the deal.
Respond to the offer
If you already have a job, don’t ever resign your current employment until you have a job lined up and confirmed. But when you do get that victorious phone call, know that you deserve the position and start preparing for your new adventure ahead.
Don’t get stressed out if you don’t find a job immediately. Sometimes when you get a no it’s because there is a better yes on the way. Your dream job is out there, and you’re going to find it! Good luck.
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Finding a job
Starting a new job
What to do after getting your first job